War Driving with OS X: ApScan, MacStumbler [via wmf]
Speed Download [via Lemke]
I don’t need my downloads to be any faster but it is interesting. It seems to use lots of simultaneous connections to the server and then combine them together later, sort of like OCN.
The Unlikeliest Cult In History [via Zooko]
The Secret Life of Alice and Bob
Hyperlinks Matter by Jon Udell [via wmf] It’s on why Web Services should have URIs. See also: The Power of the URL-Line, TAG findings on GET.

posted May 19, 2002 12:43 AM (Others) #


Emerging Technologies - Day 2
Emerging Technologies - Day 3
Emergent Hindsight
MarkM and AaronSw
The Secret alife of Webloggers
Crypto History
The Lawyers Strike Back
Point-Headed Academics vs. Pointy-Haired Bosses
Problems with MakeAShorterLink

Aaron Swartz (me@aaronsw.com)